BYF: i ship destiel, i'm gaylor, i always point out my favs' mistakes

<33 favs kpop
ive, aespa, newjeans, blackpink, nayeon


supernatural, ouat, tvd, true blood, pll, httyd, toh, spop, toa

Sasa / Castiel

18 ★ jewish & lesbian
autistic and adhd
she / they

<33 favs
chappell roan, misha collins, jensen ackles, jared padalecki, sza, taylor swift, tyler the creator, frank ocean

DNI: basic dni criteria, -15, hate my favs (hate, you can dislike them ofc), use the labrys with inverted triangle, SPN DNI


porn, wincest, people who defend their favs' mistakes

> transmed / transcum
> invalidate lesbians he/they &/or gays she/they & etc
> invalidate neutral pronouns
> anti m-spec
racist &/or xenophobic:
> trivialize non-black people using AAVE, doing blackface &/or blackfishing, saying the n-word
> trivialize cultural appropriation
> trivialize asianfishing
> support Israel
> islamophobic
> antisemitic
> anti-romani / anti-sinti (e.g.: use the labrys with the triangle)
think fiction doesn't affect reality:
> ship incest &/or pedo
> sexualize minors / women / pwd
> post or rt problematic nsfw
> anti-tone tags
+ obvious stuff: zoo, pedo, sub communities (ed / sh / gore / porn / clepto)

do not interact if you:
> ship: dean x sam, dean x john, lucifer x sam, becky x sam (proships in general)
> hate: dean, sam or cas; destiel or eileen ship
+ if you think jared & jensen or jensen & misha are in a relationship, if you hate their wives of kids, if you hate jared, jensen or misha

ANTES DE SEGUIR: eu shippo destiel, sou gaylor (T.S), eu sempre reclamo dos erros dos meus favs

<33 favs kpop
ive, aespa, newjeans, blackpink, nayeon


supernatural, ouat, tvd, true blood, pll, httyd, toh, spop, toa

Sasa / Castiel

18 ★ judia & lesbica
autista e tdah
ela / ele

<33 favs
chappell roan, misha collins, jensen ackles, jared padalecki, sza, taylor swift, tyler the creator, frank ocean

NAO INTERAJA DE JEITO NENHUM: -15, criterios basicos, odeia os meus favs (odeia, td bem nao gostar), usa a labrys com triangulo, SPN DNI


porno, wincest, pessoas que ficam passando pano pra tudo que o fav faz

> transmed / transcum
> invalida lesbicas ele/elu &/ou gays ela/elu & etc
> invalida pronome neutro
> anti pan
racista &/ou xenofobico:
> banaliza pessoas brancas falando AAVE, fazendo blackface &/ou blackfishing, dizendo a n-word
> banaliza apropriacao cultural
> banaliza asianfishing
> apoia Israel
> islamofobico
> antissemita
> anti-romani / anti-sinti (ex.: usa a labrys com triangulo)
acha que a ficcao nao afeta a realidade:
> shippa incesto &/ou ped0
> sexualiza menores de idade / mulheres / pessoas com deficiencia
> posta or reposta nsfw problematico
> nao apoia indicadores de tom
+ coisas obvias: zoo, pedo, sub comunidades (ed / sh / gore / porno / clepto)

nao interaja se voce:
> shippa: dean x sam, dean x john, lucifer x sam, becky x sam (proships no geral)
> odeia: dean, sam, cas, kevin, charlie
> odeia os ships: destiel ou eileen
+ se voce acha que jared & jensen ou jensen & misha estao em um relacionamento, se voce odeia as esposas &/ou filhos deles, se voce odeia jared, jensen ou misha